Schiber Trucking Company
rotator Sulfur-Truck-1 Sulfur-Truck-2


Grand Award Winner National Tank Truck Carriers Safety Contest

The award is based on the lowest accident frequency percentage per miles driven in a year. The NTTC conducts four annual safety contests each year.  These include a Competitive Safety Contest in which carriers compete in separate mileage classes; the Safety Improvement Contest in which a carrier competes against its own record for the previous year; a Personnel Safety Contest that is based on injuries per hours worked; and the Outstanding Performance Contest.

First Place Personnel Safety Award Winner National Tank Truck Carriers

This contest gives recognition to the fact that safety in the operation of a motor carrier’s business is more than highway safety. Safety in the shop and in the office is also vital and, if ignored, costly. This contest makes awards to outstanding carriers on the basis of fewer lost-time injuries or deaths per hours worked with awards in each mileage classification.

First Place American Trucking Association Fleet Award Local Tank Truck

Honor is bestowed by The American Trucking Association’s ‘Safety and Loss Prevention Management Council’ for safety accomplishments and safety records relative to others within Schiber Truck Company’s operation type and size.

First Place American Trucking Association Fleet Award Tank Truck 1 to 25 million miles

The American Trucking Associations’ National Truck & Safety Contests recognize the extraordinary safety accomplishments of motor carriers across the United States by operation type and size. Motor carriers from all 50 states, representing every type and size of operation enter the ATA annual contests. Carriers are judged on safety records relative to others within their classes of competition. Safety records are determined from the carriers’ vehicle accident rates or lost workday case rates.


River Bend Growth Association's October 2014 Small Business of the Month

The River Bend Growth Association developed the Small Business of the Month award to recognize and honor the many contributions that small businesses make to the region. Nominees are scored for their community service, economic contributions, innovative product and services, response to adversity and appearance or image of business. Each month one RBGA business is selected as Small Business of the Month.

RBGA October 2014 SBotM Award

15 Year Improvement Award National Tank Truck Carriers

Awarded for year-over-year improvement in safety; at Schiber Truck Company, Inc., we are committed to a safe work environment and constant maintenance of our equipment.

Second Place American Trucking Association Fleet Award Tank Truck 1 to 25 million miles

Second Place American Trucking Association Industrial Safe Fleet Award